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During this Epiphany season we’ve
been reading in the Gospel of Matthew for our sermon meditations. We’ve been
studying the early life and ministry of Jesus in order to learn who He really
was, and what He was all about.
So far, we’ve heard testimony from
God the Father, from Satan, and last Sunday we heard from Jesus Himself. Today
our sermon reading helps us to see what Jesus was all about by telling us about
a choice that He made.
Early in Jesus’ ministry He worked
alone. But before long He chose a group of twelve men to be His inner circle of
disciples. Surely we can learn something about Jesus by examining the men Jesus
chose to take His message into the world. We read from…
Matthew 4:18-22 (ESV)
18 While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers,
Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea,
for they were fishermen. 19 And
he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 20 Immediately they
left their nets and followed him. 21 And
going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and
John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets,
and he called them. 22 Immediately
they left the boat and their father and followed him.
I guess the first thing to note
about the men that Jesus chose to be His apostles is that they were fishermen.
All four of these men worked the Sea of Galilee with nets in the dark of night,
sorting their catch in the morning, and mending their nets so they were ready
for the next night of fishing.
Commercial fishermen are known for
their toughness, and for being a little rough around the edges. And this
characterization was especially true back then when you WERE the motor for your
boat, and you WERE the winch for pulling in a net of fish. This wasn’t a job
for whiners.
Maybe it was the bustling fish trade
and the toughness it required that made Galileans a little more fiery than your
average Jew. In any case Galileans were known for this. And the little team of
fishermen that Jesus called to be apostles was a bold bunch.
Peter is well known for being bold
and impulsive. He often spoke on behalf of the rest of the disciples, whether they
asked him to or not. When Jesus walked on the water, Peter was the one who
asked if he could do it too. And when Jesus told Him yes, Peter actually
stepped out onto the storm. When a mob of torch and weapon bearing thugs came
to arrest Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, it was Peter who unsheathed his sword
first and tried to defend the Master.
We know less about James and John,
but the Bible tells us enough to know that they too were bold Galileans to the
core. On one occasion, James and John, along with their mother, requested to be
seated on the left and right side of Jesus when He sat on His throne in heaven.
That’s kinda bold. On another occasion, when a Samaritan village refused to
welcome Jesus, James and John asked if they should pray for fire to descend
from heaven and consume the village. Jesus said, “No.” And if these little
anecdotes aren’t enough to convince us of their character, Jesus’ nickname for
them should do the trick. Probably with a roll of His eyes Jesus dubbed James
and John the “sons of thunder” (Mark 3:17).
Andrew seems to be the only exception
to the rule in this bunch of fiery fishermen. We don’t know much about Andrew,
but of the few stories we have, three of them describe him bringing people to
Jesus. But perhaps Andrew was only a LITTLE less bold than the rest of them.
It appears that while these
fishermen were tough guys, they were also spiritually minded. They were drawn
to John the Baptist and accepted his teaching. They too confessed their sins
openly on the banks of the Jordan River and were baptized for the forgiveness
of sins, trusting in the promised Savior to come.
The history happened like this. John
the Baptist was telling people to repent of their sins and to be baptized
because the Savior was coming soon. Andrew and John traveled down to hear John
the Baptist’s preaching and became his disciples. John the Baptist introduced
them to Jesus and they believed Him to be the Christ. Before long John the
Baptist was arrested and imprisoned, Jesus moved up to Capernaum and began
preaching, and the fishermen went back to their work on the Sea of Galilee.
When Jesus called these fishermen
from their boats, it wasn’t the first time they’d met Him. The story of Jesus
calling the four fishermen to be his apostles is not miraculous. He was simply
saying to them, “I choose you”, and they immediately responded. They were NOT
going to let this opportunity slip away from them. This was the Christ – the
Savior who the world had been waiting for for millenia. They would follow Him
and learn from Him.
The fact that they accepted Jesus as
the promised Savior, and were willing to put their jobs on hold to follow Him testifies
to the truth of Jesus’ claim to be the Savior. But the more important testimony
that we see in this short story is the testimony found in Jesus’ choice.
Jesus didn’t choose these men
because they had lots of money to back His campaign. They were common laborers.
They may have been doing well enough to hire some extra help, but that didn’t
mean they had barrels of cash laying around. And Jesus was taking them away
from their work.
No, Jesus didn’t choose these men
because He needed their money.
And he didn’t choose them for their
talent either. They could haul a line and handle a boat, but what good would
those skills be in a ministry setting? The list of reasons Jesus shouldn’t have
called these men is much longer than the list of skills they had to offer. They
had some education, but certainly not under any Scribes or Pharisees. No real
serious Bible education. No training for public speech.
No, Jesus didn’t choose these men
for their talents.
When Jesus called them on the beach
that day, He simply said,
“Follow me, and I will make you
fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19 ESV).
Jesus was calling these men in order
to give them grace. To give them the gift of forgiveness. And after giving them
this gift, He would enable them to pass it on. He would make them “Fishers of
It’s an interesting analogy, fishing
and sharing the Gospel of Christ. Fish don’t want to be caught. And that’s
exactly the case with bringing people to Christ. Sinners don’t want to be brought.
They’re afraid of being in the hands of the God who created them. They’re
afraid of all the rules and regulations they thinkHe’s going to put on them.
They’re afraid of all the things they won’t be able to do anymore.
But these fears are misplaced. For
it’s like we’re all fish in a doomed reservoir. Before long it’s going to be
drained. And only the fish that are caught can be relocated in a suitable
habitat. That’s why they need to be caught – so they can be rescued, not fried.
That’s what the Gospel of Christ is
all about. We’re all doomed because of our sins, but in Christ Jesus we’re
offered rescue. Because He suffered hell on the cross, in our place, our
punishment for sin has been absorbed by God. All who trust in Christ now stand
forgiven in full.
With our future secure, we can now
turn to rescue others.
When I was in high school I tried
out for track and field. We all had to run some events, and do some field
events. One of the field events I chose was pole vaulting.
How would you all like to learn how
to pole vault?
Doesn’t sound good? It was a little
scary for me too. I mean seriously, take this 15 foot pole, run as fast as you
can down this runway, jab the stick down and kick your legs up above your head.
Yeah, right.
But here’s what the coach did to get
us started. He simulated a vault by having a rookie hold one end of the pole
and then having four or five of the strongest vaulters on the other end fling
you up and into the big cushy pit.
was awesome. You just held on and kicked your legs up, and they put all the
power into the fling. And not only was it fun, it made you begin to see that it
was possible to learn how to do this.
God calls us to forgiveness through faith in His Son, He then calls us to share
the message with others. To be “fishers of men”. But like pole vaulting, this
task seems impossible and scary. But God doesn’t ask us to do it all alone, or
without direction, or with our own power. He says, stand here, where I put you
in life. Speak to people you know. Tell them what I’ve done for you, through
Christ. Tell them I want them to have the same forgiveness, and a new life.
just stand there holding on. The Gospel provides the power.
Do you think it was scary for those
fishermen to become Gospel sharers? I do. It’s one thing to be bold and
arrogant, it’s another thing to be like Jesus wanted them to be. Strong in the
word, but willing to give up everything else. Insisting on God’s Message and
God’s way, but compromising in all else for the good of others.
When God calls us to be “Fishers of
Men” it scares us. It sounds so difficult. Maybe even impossible. How could I
ever convince someone to trust in Jesus? But the power isn’t in the person,
it’s in the word of God. It’s in the message of sins forgiven for free, through
Christ, God’s only Son, crucified in our place, and raised to life on the third
isn’t much to learn from these fishermen following after Jesus. Throughout the
centuries people have been drawn to religious teachers of one kind or another.
But we can learn something very precious from Jesus’ choice of these men. They
weren’t chosen for their riches, or their talent, or for anything else they had
to offer. They were chosen because Jesus wanted to save them from sin’s
punishment and make heaven their final home. These blue collar working men.
These ordinary sinners. These fiery Galileans.
came for the simple, undeserving sinner. He came for people like you and me.
And after He reaches us with the Gospel, He uses us to reach out to more who
need to know His love and forgiveness.
God bless us so that when we hear our Savior, we respond like Peter and Andrew,
James and John, putting all things on hold, to follow the Master’s call.