Synchrony with Our Heavenly Father
1. Based on a Balance between His Work and our Reception
2. Leads to Growth and Development in our Faith and Life
Ephesians 5:1-10 Follow
God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of
love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering
and sacrifice to God. 3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual
immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper
for God's holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse
joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can
be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person-- such a person is an idolater--
has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. 6 Let no one deceive
you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who
are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them. 8 For you were once
darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for
the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10
and find out what pleases the Lord.
scientists who study childhood development speak of a principle called
synchrony. As it pertains to development, synchrony is the shared relationship
between an adult and a child, particularly at the infant stage. From the very
beginning of life, infants are like sponges, soaking up information from
adults, particularly their parents. This information sharing is so vitally
important to healthy development for children. When adults are distant,
emotionless, or absent there are harmful effects for children that linger for
their entire lives.
the principle of synchrony goes both ways. The reactions and expressions of
little babies also have an effect on adults. For example, it takes several
weeks, perhaps a couple of months, before an infant smiles. Statistically, most
adults don’t smile much at babies until they see a smile in return. Once a
child reaches that stage of voluntarily displaying joy, it almost flips a
switch in the adult’s behavior and increases their joy and attachment together.
This is synchrony at work and it manifests itself in many other interactions
throughout life.
principle of synchrony is not just a neat fact – it’s part of God’s design to
increase and further healthy development starting from the moment of birth –
and even before birth as we know how dependent a child in the womb is on their
mother. As parents become more disconnected from their newborn child, we can
certainly expect to see difficulties that arise in the child’s life –
difficulties that can be hard to overcome because they are rooted at the most
basic level of human development.
we see that a similar symbiotic relationship is inherent to our faith. The
Bible makes many connections between the physical aspects of development and
the spiritual. God is called our Heavenly Father and we are to understand and
approach Him as such. We are called children of God by faith. Just as a parent
provides for, protects, and nurtures the body of a child; so God does all that
and more for our souls. And we see the principle of synchrony at play in our
faith lives also. The more we interact with God, the more we develop in a
healthy way spiritually. The more distant He is, the greater potential there is
for harmful effects.
words to the Ephesians, which we consider today, explain this relationship. He
is talking about spiritual development as believers. Much of what Paul looks at
is the fruits that our faith manifests – abstaining from sexual immorality,
filthy speech, and greed; following God’s Word carefully so that we aren’t
deceived and led astray, and showing gratitude for what God has done for us.
These are all markers of healthy spiritual development. But the greater
question we ask is: how can I show these fruits in my life?
illustration of fruit is really appropriate because it speaks to the natural
working of faith. Many people think faith is all about these expressions of
what a person does. So, the logical thought is that the more I do these things
the greater my faith is. But that idea forgets how fruit is produced. The fruit
is the result, the end of the work if you will. It’s not the cause of the
growth, but rather the product. Once the fruit is produced, all the work has
already taken place long before. Therefore, faith is much more dependent on
what God does than what we do. If we are in the right place spiritually, fruits
of faith will naturally show themselves. You won’t have to be coerced, or
guilted, into following God – in fact you can’t no matter how hard you try,
because that’s not how fruit grows. Fruits of faith become evident when a
healthy atmosphere for growth is present. And when it comes to our faith, the
best place for us to be is firmly in the power and grace of God as displayed in
when you return to that original question about how you can show fruits of
faith in your life, you have to start with what God is telling you about Jesus
– not with the description of what those fruits look like. We see that in the
other verses of our text. Paul writes, walk
in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a
fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
verse is the most important in the section because it governs everything else.
The entire purpose behind walking in God’s will, a synonymous thought with
producing fruits of faith, is because Christ offered Himself up for us. Paul
points to the Old Testament here with thought of a fragrant offering before
God. Incense was common feature in the worship habits of the Israelites since it
was a metaphor for acceptable offerings and prayers ascending to God in heaven.
Similarly, the greatest example of this pleasing sacrifice was in the death of
Jesus Christ on the cross.
certainly does not think of pleasing aroma or acceptance when death by
crucifixion is on the mind. Part of the effectiveness of crucifixion as a means
of capital punishment was it’s gory and horrific features. It was slow, painful,
agonizing, and frankly disgusting. What made Christ’s death beautiful,
fragrant, and pleasing was not what is looked like but what it meant. It
marked the fulfillment of spiritual cleansing and renewal. It guaranteed God’s
promise to take away our filthy unrighteousness and cleanse us as white as
acceptable offering before God is the basis of our faith. It is the nourishment
that feeds our souls and allows us to produce fruits of faith, without any
effort of our own will. In the fertile soil of Christ’s atonement, the seed of
the gospel message can take root in a person’s heart and lead to this spiritual
life. Christ’s death on the cross is the foundation for synchrony by faith.
Faith is a mutual relationship with our Heavenly Father that grows and develops
based entirely on what He does for us.
a vital principle of synchrony, everything hinges on the parent. When fathers
and mothers are reclusive and inactive with their children, development suffers
and growth is stunted. When parents take the initiative and are active from the
start, it ignites a fruitful relationship that can grow and produce vibrantly
for life. Everything for our faith starts with our heavenly Father, but in
order for it to be truly synchronous we do need to receive His love. The
expressions of a receiving faith are pleasing to God. When we seek to conform
our lives to His will and to listen intently to His Word, as described at
length in specific situations by Paul, He is glorified and we are blessed.
There is a response in our relationship that is directed to God. This response
is not the cause, or basis of our faith. It’s not even the starting point, but
it is important and does affect our growth as a Christian.
so, Paul expresses the importance of receiving by faith with some unique
terminology. Verse 1 says, Follow God's
example, therefore, as dearly loved children. Some translations use the
word “imitate.” This word doesn’t just mean to follow someone, but it’s pointed
more at becoming like them – almost like a mirror image. It’s common that many
people think of God as more of a model for decent living than a divine being
who saves. Many people in the world consider the things that Paul encourages as
good and moral things, but also that if someone believes differently it’s their
prerogative. A model is a broad guide, where people can pick and choose how to
specifically follow. God is calling for more than that when it comes to imitating
Him through faith. The very meaning of imitation means that there’s an
unchangeable standard which you adhere to; imitation is not a subjective
expression which each person chooses for themselves.
is where the idea of synchrony is important again. Just as a child learns by
imitating their parents, so also, we learn by imitating God. An infant does not
decide how to act or what to do. They a molded by what they see their parents
do. The same principle applies to faith. A child of God does not seek to choose
his or her own course of right and wrong in life. We follow what God has shown
us. Children of God do not rely on their own efforts for spiritual development;
we pay attention to what our Father in heaven has done.
also indicates synchrony in the last verse when he writes, find out what pleases the Lord. The thought here is to exercise
discernment to understand something. This involves learning from the Lord and
receiving the products of His grace. This testing is never done without a
purpose though. Within this discernment is also the intended goal of accepting
what is pleasing to the Lord. It shows us the purpose of our synchronous
relationship with the Lord. He desires that we both understand and accept what
His Word says.
you ever feel out of sync with God, perhaps you’ve been forgetting what He says
here. Ask yourself if you’re imitating Christ. Remember that this is more than
just following Christ. It is letting Him be who He is – God and Savior, and
then learning for your life from that. If God is a Savior, it means we need
saving. If God provides what we cannot one our own, it means we shouldn’t
choose our own path in life. Just as a child does not imitate mom or dad by
changing them, so also we follow God when we listen to what He says and who He
is, without trying to add our own change into the mix.
ask yourself if you are discerning the Lord’s work in your life. Again, much
like imitating, there’s more to this than what is on the surface. Understanding
something by faith also involves trust and belief. It is knowing the truth and
also accepting it as your own.
are the reasons why God reveals Himself to you. He wants you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” as He tells you in 2 Peter 3:18. He shows
Himself to you in His Word and Sacraments so that you can grow in your faith –
so that you can develop in a healthy spiritual manner as a follower of Christ.
And when you see and trust God, there is a response. You can imitate Him. You
can discern His wisdom. This synchrony keeps your faith strong until you reach
heaven with God for eternity.
not be deceived by empty words that promise life, meaning, and fulfillment
without Christ. Rather, see your heavenly Father and what He has done for you
through His Word, and the synchrony of faith will happen. Amen.