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When I was a little kid, my older
brothers liked to scare me. The house we lived in was heated by an old wood
burning furnace situated in a big cement room in the basement. As you entered
the furnace room, on your left was a wall of unfinished studs. Nails were
driven into the studs, and we hung all of our winter coats and jackets there.
On the other side of the room,
farthest from the door, there was a wood shoot and a little cement room where
the wood for the furnace was stacked. In the center of the room was the furnace
itself, and hanging above it, the room’s only light. You had to reach up and
pull a string for the light to turn on.
Here’s how it would usually go. My
brother Seth would say something like, “Caleb, mom wants me to get something
from the furnace room, but I’m too scared to go in there. Will you turn on the
light for me?” With all the self confidence in the world I’d reply, “Of course
Seth, I’m not afraid. I’ll go in there for you.” And so I’d creep into the dark
room. The only thing I could see was the fire glowing from the slats in the
door of the furnace. That little pool of orange light was where I had to get in
order to turn the light bulb on.
Little did I know, my brother Andy was
hiding behind the furnace, waiting for me. As soon as I got within reach of the
pull string Andy would growl like a rabid dog, at which point I would shoot
about two feet into the air and tear back toward the door. But meanwhile, Seth
had tucked himself in among the coats.
So, as I shot toward safety, Seth would roar out of the forest of jackets,
pushing my speed past mach three as I rocketed up the stairs to the kitchen.
I used to have nightmares about dark
things reaching for my feet as I raced up those basement stairs.
If there had only been a way to turn
on the lights BEFORE entering that furnace room, everything would have been so different.
If there’s a recipe for fear written
down somewhere, I’m pretty sure it says, “Just add darkness”. When we can’t see
what’s going on around us, things can get pretty scary. When someone turns on
the light, everything changes.
As adults, we’ve learned how to
control our fear of the unknown to a certain degree. But when the events in our
lives cloud the way before us, that fear of the unknown can come back. In our
sermon reading for today, Jesus turns on the lights and shows us what’s really
going on around us.
Though we can’t see him, Jesus
Walks Among Us Still. He is almighty God. He calms our fears. And he carefully
tends the light of the Gospel that we hold.
Revelation 1:9-20 (ESV)
9 I, John, your
brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient
endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos on account of the
word of God and the testimony of Jesus. 10 I
was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a
trumpet 11 saying,
“Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and
to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and
to Laodicea.”
12 Then I turned
to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden
lampstands, 13 and
in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe
and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 The
hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a
flame of fire, 15 his
feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like
the roar of many waters. 16 In
his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged
sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.
17 When I saw him,
I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying,
“Fear not, I am the first and the last, 18 and
the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys
of Death and Hades. 19 Write
therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to
take place after this. 20 As
for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven
golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and
the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
The apostle
John was an old man by the time he received this vision. Recently the events in
John’s life had taken a turn for the worst. He had been exiled to small island
in the Aegean sea.
John was a
mature Christian by this time. It’s doubtful that his faith had been shaken by
his present situation. But all the same, Jesus would now come to John and
strengthen his faith through a powerful vision.
As is the case
with visions, we may not understand all the fantastic details of what John saw.
But one thing that comes out clearly is the fact that Jesus is Almighty God.
To begin with,
John describes the voice that he hears as being like the loud blare of a
trumpet, or like the roar of a huge waterfall, or like the crashing of many
waves on a beach. The voice alone is overwhelming. But when John turns to see
WHO is speaking, what he sees is even more breathtaking.
He sees a human
figure, clothed in a long robe and a golden sash. Gold is, of course, a color
associated with kings. And this mighty king that stands before John is an
ancient king. His hair is the purest of white. And his eyes are not a captivating
dark brown, or a striking blue. No, they are like fire. They are piercing eyes.
Eyes that can see into the darkest corners of the night, eyes that can see into
the darkest corners of one’s heart.
While human in
form, this figure is different than any mere mortal. He is divine in every
detail. Even his feet look otherworldly. John says they are like bronze that
has been purified in a fire and then polished to a high sheen. There is no
place where these strong feet are afraid to tread.
But when John’s
eyes move upward, he sees more amazing things. In the man’s outstretched hand
there are seven sparkling stars.
But even more
striking than that, is the man’s face. John can barely stand to look at it,
it’s so bright. Like the noon-day sun, this face shines with an inner,
brilliant light. And this was strangely familiar to John. John had once seen
Jesus of Nazareth shining like this on a mountain where they had gone to pray.
But before
John’s mind could process all of this, the strangest thing of all happened—a
great double edged sword slid out from inside the man’s mouth. The Word of God
is said to be like a double edged sword, capable of cutting to the very heart
of man’s inner motives.
This was too
much shock for the old John to take. So terrible, so powerful, so glorious was this
vision that John fell to the ground like a dead man.
But then John
felt the touch of the figure’s hand, stronger than strong, and yet like the
gentlest of caresses. And he spoke again telling John not to be afraid.
And why should
John not be afraid? This figure is the first and the last, the eternal God.
This figure is the one who died, but who is now alive forevermore. This figure
is the one who can open the grave and restore life to the dead. This figure is
none other than John’s old master—Jesus. The Jesus who died for John’s sins,
and who promised him a place in heaven.
The Jesus who died to take away the sins of the world, and who also
promises us a place by his side.
What is there
to fear when the almighty and eternal God is on your side? This is the message
that Jesus communicated to John. And this was the message John was to send to Christians
Remember when
John looked back? He saw Jesus walking among SEVEN LAMPSTANDS. And Jesus
explains what this means. The seven lampstands were seven church. The churches
of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. The
message is clear. Jesus is walking among you dear Christians. Though unseen, he
lives where you live. So be at peace! Put your fears to rest. Your powerful Savior
is alive, and is walking among you at this very moment.
The book of
Revelation is full of striking images, many of which we don’t always fully
grasp. But the overarching message of Revelation is crystal clear—there was a
great fight between the Lamb and the Dragon, and the Lamb won. There was a
great battle between the Son of God and Satan, and the Son of God won. And the
thing he won was forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life for sinners like you
and me. No matter what earthly dangers surround us, we can have peace, because
our souls are secure in the hand of the Almighty Savior. He has washed our sins
away by his blood, and has made us his people of faith.
For pastors
this vision holds a special comfort. Jesus says those stars in his right hand
are the “angels” of the churches. The Greek word for angel simply means
“messenger”. The context tells us when the Bible means a spirit being who is a
messenger and when it means a human being who is a messenger. The stars in
Jesus’ hand are the human pastors of the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum,
and all the rest. It was to these “angels” that John’s book was to go.
Now, we pastors
don’t usually feel like shiny stars. We know how sinful and dirty our hearts
really are, even if our congregations don’t. We know that we don’t deserve to
proclaim the precious message of sins forgiven through Jesus. No pastor is
worthy enough, or capable enough for this task. But the strong right hand of
the eternal Son of God holds us up. We are weak, but he is strong. Our
trembling and flickering light is surrounded by the brilliant light of the
Gospel. And what a comfort that is.
There is also a
special comfort here for every Christian congregation. Jesus says those
lampstands are churches. They are GOLDEN lampstands, valuable to God. And they
are shining beacons of light in a sin darkened world. This is the imagery Jesus
uses to describe YOU. Precious, light bearing people. Caretakers of the souls
saving message of Jesus’ cross.
Jesus once told
his followers,
“14 You
are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light
a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in
the house. 16 In the
same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good
works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16 ESV).
And this is the
same thing Jesus communicates through this vision: You are precious to me.
You bear the light of the Gospel. SHINE OUT with the message of forgiveness!
Maybe there’s
been some darkness in your life lately. Events and circumstances that have made
you feel abandoned or alone. Maybe you’ve been feeling like God isn’t all that
close to you right now. Maybe some heavy guilt has lead you to wonder whether
God really has a place for you in his kingdom. Maybe you’ve doubted if God can
really be paying attention to your little insignificant life.
Jesus has this
to say to you, “You are golden, you are light, because you belong to ME.” He
pulls back the curtain for us in this vision and shows us that he wasn’t
kidding when he told his followers that he’d be with them to the very end of
the age. He turns on the light in our darkness and shows that there is
nothing to be afraid of here, for HE, the almighty God, walks among us still.
Jesus had a
specific message for John to pass on to each of the congregations he named in
our sermon reading. Jesus told John, John wrote it down. The messages were
delivered to actual groups of Christians. We’ll be spending the next five
Sundays, examining what Jesus had to say to these seven churches. May the Holy
Spirit help us to understand what he said to the churches back then, and how it
applies to our own congregation today.
May the Holy
Spirit work through these words of Christ to surround us with his light. May he
lead us to grow stronger in the faith, and to shine out with the precious
Gospel in all we say and do. Amen.
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