What it means
to have a Christian Vocation
Return despite the natural right for freedom
Forgive despite the legal right for punishment
Anyone paying
the slightest attention to the media recently knows well that there has been
plenty of social and political unrest lately. It’s a heated and polarizing
election year for our country. The topic of race relations has seen a steady
rise. Most recently, the choice of a professional athlete to sit during the
national anthem has caused a great stir. These events awaken discussions and
opinions about what is proper, especially in the way we practice our freedoms
and respect others.
It’s pretty
fitting that we think of these things during Labor Day weekend too. At first
glance, we don’t often associate polarizing topics with Labor Day. Labor Day is
a relaxing holiday, a time to take break from the every-day stress. But, we
should also take time around Labor Day to consider our occupations. What is it
that we do in life and what kind of impact do we have through it? That question
essentially is the same one discussed through all of these highly emotional
political topics of the time. No one seems to doubt the freedom that we possess
to speak our minds, but it’s the exercise
of that freedom in the proper manner that is so polarizing. What kind of
activity crosses the line and why does it?
As we think
about that in our given occupations, we shouldn’t forget to look deeper as
well. What we do in life is much bigger than just a job title or a wage bracket.
Though we often forget this, God designed labor to be about much more than
punching the clock day after day and drifting along through life. As we
consider the impact of our labor on our lives and the lives of others, we
understand it more as a vocation than just an occupation. A vocation is a
calling. It is something that defines what you do but also, who you are and
what your value in this world is. No matter what your job is, you have a
vocation from God. Perhaps, our nation struggles with so many stressors and
arguments because we set up so many high expectations for occupation, but not
for vocation. On Labor Day weekend, this morning, consider your calling from
God, as we read an example of this in a letter from Paul:
Philemon 1:10-21 I appeal to you for my child,
Onesimus, whose father I became in my imprisonment. 11 (Formerly he was useless
to you, but now he is indeed useful to you and to me.) 12 I am sending him back
to you, sending my very heart. 13 I would have been glad to keep him with me,
in order that he might serve me on your behalf during my imprisonment for the
gospel, 14 but I preferred to do nothing without your consent in order that
your goodness might not be by compulsion but of your own accord. 15 For this
perhaps is why he was parted from you for a while, that you might have him back
forever, 16 no longer as a bondservant but more than a bondservant, as a
beloved brother-- especially to me, but how much more to you, both in the flesh
and in the Lord. 17 So if you consider me your partner, receive him as you
would receive me. 18 If he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, charge
that to my account. 19 I, Paul, write this with my own hand: I will repay it--
to say nothing of your owing me even your own self. 20 Yes, brother, I want
some benefit from you in the Lord. Refresh my heart in Christ. 21 Confident of
your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I say.
The letter to
Philemon is far from the most impressive book in Scripture. It’s only one
chapter long, 25 verses in all, most of them printed out before you. Philemon
was a prominent Christian in the early Church, most likely from the town of
Colossae. He was certainly a beloved friend of Paul’s, perhaps even brought to
the faith by Paul. Paul took the time while he was in prison to write this very
personal letter. But, the letter itself doesn’t speak about Philemon that much.
It’s more about another person by the name of Onesimus. Onesimus was a runaway
slave from Philemon’s household. Like most slaves on the run back then, Rome
was a convenient destination for Onesimus. There he could fit in among the
But, in God’s
bigger plan, it was also in Rome that Onesimus would come into contact with
Paul. Through this seemingly random occurrence Paul was able to share the
gospel with Onesimus and help him see the folly of his ways. The purpose of
this writing to Philemon was to notify him that Paul was sending Onesimus back,
and that Paul requested Onesimus be received with forgiveness and mercy. From
the way the letter reads it sounds like Onesimus not only left his master, but
stole some of his goods along the way. Even despite this, there was more than
sufficient legal backing for Philemon to dole out a strict punishment.
Onesimus was a
slave, but perhaps for our understanding the term “servant” would be more
appropriate. We tend to have a particularly negative impression of slavery
because of our nation’s history. However, slavery in this context and at this
time was quite different. The slave was still considered to be the master’s
property but he wasn’t normally treated inhumanely. Slaves in Roman culture
could often own property and possessions, enter into contracts, and own slaves
for themselves. The normal age of discharge from slavery was 30. Most
non-Romans would enter into slavery in the hope of one-day become a citizen.
Sounds pretty
different from our typical view of slavery; but at the same time, it’s clear
that any institution of slavery is against the very way that God created
mankind. It’s very clear that all people are fashioned by God from conception
and carry the remnant of His image that was originally bestowed upon Adam and
Eve. All people have equal access to God’s grace and salvation through the
universal Savior, Jesus Christ. Anytime an institution is set up that unfairly
subverts someone under another, sin is involved.
Paul’s plea to
Philemon was difficult because there were several considerations to be made. On
the one hand, Philemon had every legal right to severely punish Onesimus. If
possessions had been stolen the punishment could have been even worse, perhaps
even death. On the other hand, surely Onesimus could make the case that he had
a God-given right to freedom, no matter what man said about it. These are the
tricky questions that confront us at times, and vocation is at the heart of the
matter. If we fail to consider our situation in life in light of God’s word and
His calling for us, we will end up choosing whatever suits our intentions best,
regardless of the consequences.
Paul’s letter
is an appeal to Christ-centered vocation. He wanted both Philemon and Onesimus
to see the Spirit-sanctified response that would flow from the gospel and seek
the preserve the gospel for others. Despite Onesimus’s natural right to freedom
as a created child of God, Paul sent him back to his master to fulfill his
legal debt of service. Onesimus’s vocation, in the present time, was to serve
Philemon. That was God’s calling for his life. The best way Onesimus could
serve his Lord and Savior was to bear this burden as an act of love for
Philemon and as a testament to the power of salvation in Christ.
Anytime we
faithfully follow the vocation that God has put in our lives, especially when
it may be an unfair calling from a human standpoint, we give glory to God. We
point others to the power of His kingdom and the amazing change that Christ’s
grace has made in our lives. But, the opposite is true of when we resist our
vocation. When we choose to complain, or to neglect our responsibilities
through laziness or indifference, we make the choice to serve ourselves. Both
our fellow neighbor and God suffers when we do this.
On the other
side, Paul wanted Philemon to recognize his vocation as a gracious master.
Rather than think first of his relationship to Onesimus as master-slave, Paul
wanted Philemon to think of his servant as a fellow brother in Christ and
co-heir of salvation. Although, Philemon had every legal right to seek
recompense, Paul asked him to move on and to show forgiveness. In truth, it was
a plea to recognize Onesimus as a human and not as property. With Paul’s
encouragement and the Spirit’s blessing, we have no doubt that Philemon
followed through with this request.
If only we
would recognize the same principles in our vocations. We may have God-given
freedom to do something, but if we can serve our neighbor better by refraining
why wouldn’t we willingly give that up. We may have legal precedence for a
belief, attitude, or action, but if it takes away from Jesus what’s the
ultimate goal? These are questions which are difficult to face and answer, and
many of the struggles we have as a nation are about living in one’s vocation, a
calling from God.
One of the
unique things about Christianity is that God calls us to difficult things. It’s
part of the guarantee we have by believing in Jesus. Life is sure to be filled
with hardships. As Paul wrote to the Romans, the Christian is a “living sacrifice,” dedicated to point
others to God’s word and work of salvation. Be assured, no one enjoys being the
sacrifice. It’s not an outwardly noble calling. But, that’s what it means to
follow Christ. To carry His name is to carry His cross. To carry the cross is
to be a living sacrifice.
confidence, that no matter what your vocation is or will be, you have the
strength to accomplish the task through Christ. When Paul wrote those famous
words, “I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me,” he wasn’t talking about any odd activity that
we try. He was talking about those things to which God calls us. Our vocation.
We have this promise in Jesus because He was the ultimate sacrifice. He was the
only one to perfectly deflect all the hatred and evil of the world and bear it
to the point of death on the cross. He followed His vocation, the task that He was called to by His Father in
heaven, however unpleasant it was. He empowers you now to do the same.
Yes, life as a
Christian can be tough, but it is also the most rewarding. Setting aside the
ultimate reward of eternal life in heaven for a moment, we have plenty of
opportunities for joy and happiness in life. There is a deep, intrinsic joy to
fulfilling our duty before God and our fellow neighbor. Where does that come
into play in your life? Your vocation is found in the place that you presently
occupy. It may not be where you want to end up, but it is where you are now.
For the Christian, God is working through you now because you have a vocation.
It is not just pastors or teachers who have a calling. All Christians do. God
puts others in our lives, parents, friends, relatives, pastors, to help us see
our vocations. Use the advice they give you. Like Solomon wrote in our
Scripture reading, be the wise one who is willing to listen to advice and even
to admonishment.
Keep these
three things in mind, though.
1) Your vocation is not your occupation.
There is a difference between what you do for a living and what God is calling
you to do in this world. Life is about much more than finding a “practical”
career that will yield an outwardly prosperous life.
2) Your vocation involves sacrifice. Both
Philemon and Onesimus were called to give something up, something that they had
every right to, in order to show love and mercy to others, and to let the light
of the Gospel shine in their lives. We’re following Jesus here, it’s not a
surprise that we’ll be called to sacrifice something.
3) Your strength and power is in Jesus.
The Christian worldview works because Jesus died on the cross and rose again
for victory over sin. You are assured of a calling from God today, whatever
that station in life may be, precisely because you are first a redeemed child
of God who is destined for life in heaven. The reason we seek to recognize our
callings in life, however humble and unseemly they may be, is because they are
all a fruit of the Gospel. When sins are a forgiven, there is a natural desire
to share that gift of mercy and love with others, no matter what the personal
cost of freedom may be. Jesus give us the ability to do this.
What is your
vocation? You have many. You are a son or daughter. Some of you a father or
mother, husband or wife. You are members in this church, part of a bigger
community of believers who believe and confess God’s truth. You are a citizen
of the United States of America. You have a responsibility to your fellow
citizens, and a spiritual obligation from your Heavenly Father to all people.
Sounds a bit daunting when we start to list everything. God has high
expectations for us. But, in a greater way it is exciting. Think of the impact
you can have right now! At home, at school, at work, at church. You can serve
one another and your enteral, almighty God. You don’t have to wait until you
are someone more important or more qualified from the world’s perspective. You
have a vocation now.
Martin Luther
famously wrote about this letter, “we are all Onesimus’s.” We have all
squandered our relationship with our Lord. We have run away, tried to hide in
the shadows. But God calls us back to the light of His grace. He doesn’t need
to use some supernatural miracle. He uses His everyday Word as it comes to us
in our everyday lives; in our callings here on earth.
The peace of
God which surpasses all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ
Jesus. Amen.
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