Stay with Jesus
Presently through His Word
Eternally in His kingdom
Luke 13:22 Then Jesus
went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem.
23 Someone asked him, "Lord, are only a few people going to be
saved?" He said to them, 24 "Make every effort to enter through the
narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able
to. 25 Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand
outside knocking and pleading, 'Sir, open the door for us.'"But he will
answer, 'I don't know you or where you come from.' 26 "Then you
will say, 'We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.' 27
"But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from. Away
from me, all you evildoers!' 28 "There will be weeping there, and gnashing
of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the
kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out. 29 People will come from east
and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the
kingdom of God. 30 Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and
first who will be last."
a well-known saying in real estate – “location, location, location.” In terms
of the value of your home, location is so important. The structure itself can
be changed, but the location cannot. Homeowners want a location that’s going to
have lasting value.
is also important for our faith, but in a different way. For your faith, it’s
not the physical aspects of location that are important. What’s important is
what is going on where you are located. Another way of thinking about it is
what is happened is present time. As Christians, there’s an eagerness to always
look forward, to the future. Just like a little child who cannot bear the
anticipation of presents on Christmas, so also it can be difficult for us to
stay in the moment of where we are at. But that is where Jesus directs us in
the verses of our text this morning. He speaks about the importance of your
life now, and what is going on to support your faith right now. He speaks about
your location.
question posed at the beginning was a common one: "Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?" It would
be nice to know the answer to that question. In the immediate context Jesus was
preaching a lot of things about the kingdom of heaven. From the beginning He
had made it clear that there are believers and unbelievers on earth. Believers
will be saved. Unbelievers will not. Jesus’ ministry in this sense was
incredibly simple. But, as it still is today, it’s hard to believe what He’s saying.
We, too, wonder, will only a few be saved?
person who asked this question wanted to cut to the chase. Perhaps they thought
there was value to what Jesus taught. Maybe they even believed that He was the
Savior. But, they figured, can’t we just skip ahead? Who’s gonna be saved? Give
us a clue Jesus. The Savior’s response is telling. The very first word brought
that person back down to reality, and back to their current location. Jesus
replied, Make every effort to enter
through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will
not be able to. Other translations say “strive” or “contend.” The meaning
is that we should be more focused on what is going on today. Don’t worry about
how many people will be saved or lost – that answer belongs to God alone.
Consider yourself. Stay in the present.
this question has sort of taken a different form. Very often it’s posed as
this, “Why are some saved and not others?” The Bible tells us why. It depends
on a person’s relationship with Jesus. Believe in Him and you are saved.
However, human psyche wants to get beneath the surface. Why, though? Why is it
that way? Well, again, the Bible gives us that answer. Jesus is the Savior.
Jesus has atoned for the sins of the world. All people can be found righteous –
meeting the demand of Almighty God – by faith in Jesus. But, only through
Jesus, because only Jesus suffered, upheld the Law, died, and rose again from
the dead. If we want those blessings, we need to receive them from the One who
achieved them – only Jesus.
yet again, that’s too simple for the human mind. We want to dig deeper. We want
to access the mind of God, not just to consider what’s there, but to give our
stamp of approval. Is God fair? How could He claim to love all people and yet
sentence some to hell? The further we dig into those questions, while ignoring
the actual answers that God provides in His Word, the further away from God we
will find ourselves – until we reach an island of our own pride, isolated from
all Biblical truth.
false teachings have developed in the quest to answer, “Why are some saved and
not others?” Some Christians say it’s based on works. The way you prove
yourself worthy is by what you do, or by what others in your life have
accumulated on your behalf in God’s spiritual bank. Others say that the answer
really rests with you. Have you accepted Christ or not? God is aware of your
answer, but you alone offer it – so get on with it. They demand this even to
the extent that they say Christ only
died for believers, so if you want to be sure your sins are paid for you better
tangled we get the deeper we thrust into the unknown. I don’t want you to think
that we shouldn’t question things. Part of the beauty of the Christian faith is
growing into a deeper and deeper faith by seeing how God answers our questions
in His Word. If you never question things, you’ll never grow in this way. It
also highlights the precious gift that God’s Word is. It really is our
attachment to Him while we wait for heaven.
I warn you about is being discontent with the answers that God provides and
seeking to interject your own. That will not help you arrive at the truth.
Listen to what Jesus tells you here. He may not answer your question word for
word, but what He does tell you is something much more important for your
faith. He tells you, don’t be so focused on things to come that you forget about things today.
Part 2
the example that Jesus gives is a similar lesson. On the day that the Lord
comes back to judge the world, there will be many who are left out
unexpectedly. They will have all the markers of true believers. They desire to
be in heaven. They know who God is. They even call Jesus “Lord.” However, they will
be excluded. Why? Jesus answers twice, “I
don't know you or where you come from.” Jesus describes unbelief in
terms of not knowing who a person is. Obviously, as God Jesus knows all people.
But He’s speaking about knowing them by faith – knowing them as a believer.
Jesus pictures that as a location: “where
they come from.” If Jesus doesn’t know where you come from, you are not His
in Jesus is about knowing where you are now, just as much as where you’ll be
after this life. Those who fail to consider their present circumstances have no
part in Christ’s kingdom. Those who are too invested in questions about the
future are in danger of neglecting the current needs of their faith. Jesus
tells us to focus on what pertains to our lives and that involves preparing for
His return. He has given us more than enough details in His Word about what
will happen. He has not told us everything, but more than what we need to be
saved. Focus on this Word from God.
of the Jewish people of Christ’s time thought they had a free ticket to heaven
because they were Jewish. They were God’s people from the very beginning of
time, how could they possibly be left out? Jesus was warning them from being
caught off-guard. They thought they would make it because of Abraham and Isaac
and Jacob - their forefathers. How surprising and painful it would be to see
that this was not the case!
would be analogous to our lives? What might we use as a reason to neglect
management of our faith in present time? What blessings become burdens because
they supplant the daily use of God’s Word?
· Knowledge of Christ and
His Word? “I know what the Bible says, I don’t need to keep hearing it over and
over again.”
· Wisdom and experience
in this world? “I used to believe what God says but then I realized I was naive
and I finally grew out of it.”
· How about the truth of
our confession? “Thanks be to God that we’re not like those other Christians
who have so much error in their church!”
· Could it be something
in our relationships, perhaps in our marriages, where we put our family above
what God says, and we’re more loyal to family than to God.
too, like the Jewish people of Jesus’ day, have many things that can get in the
way of considering our present circumstances. But lest we hear the same
judgment from Jesus, let us always be aware of where we are from. If you need a
reminder, it’s all over the Bible. Take 1 Peter 1:3-5 for example, Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an
inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in
heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God's power until the
coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
are we now? Living in the resurrection of Christ. We’re not in heaven yet. It’s
coming. Peter says we’re waiting for it to be revealed in the last time. But
right now, we’re victors by faith in Jesus. We’re products of His death for
sins and resurrection over the grave. If you ask me, that’s a pretty good place
to be. Falling from that location is not about evil triumphing over you. You’re
a conqueror now. Evil has nothing on you. The danger is in stepping off the
safe ground of faith and venturing out on your own. Looking too far ahead into
things that only God knows. Being discontent with what you have now. Thinking
that you’re stronger than you are. The reasons for drifting are varied and
never stop. The protection Jesus offers is always the same, though. Through His
mercy, given any moment you need it in the gospel, you are assured of your
redemption from sins and the promise of eternal inheritance in heaven. That’s
the solid footing of faith. Could we ask a hundred unknown questions about
heaven? Yes. Could you spend all our time speculating between varying opinions?
Surely. But, who needs that when you have Jesus – the resurrected Jesus.
chapter later in Luke’s Gospel Jesus preached about a similar theme. This time,
He portrayed it as a great feast. No one wants to be left out of that heavenly
banquet. No one wants to be on the outside banging on the door, “Lord, Lord…”
Within that story Jesus described the Gospel invitation saying, “A certain man was preparing a great
banquet and invited many guests. 17 At the time of the banquet he sent his
servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.
(Luke 14:16-17).” That’s where you are now. “All things are ready. Come.”
Stay there, with that blessed truth from Jesus, and you have nothing to fear.
Know where you are today, living in His resurrection, and you will be with Him
in heaven. Amen.
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