Theme: The Significance of the Sacred
- God’s Reveals Himself
- A Departure not an Arrival
- Sinners are Sanctified
anything sacred?
theologians, historians, and many others have asked that question throughout
history. The idea of something sacred holds much mystery and fascination for
people. For religious people, the sacred is connected to the spiritual. Others
doubt or question the sacred in this sense because the spiritual eludes our
observation and understanding. But, no matter how we define the sacred, we all
have it in some way. The simplest way to understand the sacred is what is in
most important to each of us. What do you honor or value more than anything
else? The answer to that question reveals what is sacred to you.
reason people question this is that there are so many cheap things that are
sacred. Money, possessions, power, control, and experiences are often what people
hold dearest to their hearts – yet they are hollow of true holiness. The Bible
doesn’t pose the question, “Is anything sacred?” Rather, it cuts to the point
by declaring again and again that God is sacred. The Bible’s idea of sacredness
in the person of God does not disappoint or leave us wanting more. It fulfills
our lives. Today’s text from God’s Word is a glimpse into the sacred, as
defined, described, and given by God Himself. We read from Exodus 3:1-6:
Meanwhile, Moses was
the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian. He led the flock
to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2
Then the Angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire within a bush. As
Moses looked, he saw that the bush was on fire but was not consumed. 3 So Moses
thought: I must go over and look at this remarkable sight. Why isn't the bush
burning up? 4 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called out
to him from the bush, "Moses, Moses!" "Here I am," he
answered. 5 "Do not come closer," He said. "Remove the sandals
from your feet, for the place where you are
standing is holy ground." 6 Then He continued, "I am the God of your
father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Moses
hid his face because he was afraid to look at God. (HCSB)
Part 1: God Reveals Himself
Transfiguration of Christ is an event about the sacred. What greater example is
there in the Bible of Jesus displaying His glory and holiness? It was present
both in His divine conversation with Moses and Elijah and also in His physical
appearance. Here in Exodus, we see a similar display through the burning bush.
And on top of this all, God Himself tells Moses, "Do not come closer," "Remove the sandals
from your feet, for the place where you are
standing is holy ground." Here we see the sacred. But what makes it so?
we see that God reveals Himself. Even in religious contexts, the sacred is so
often relegated to worldly things. We see this in the great religions of the
world, with certain branches of Christianity notwithstanding. In the most
popular religions of the world, the sacred centers on worldly things that are
perceived to be special in some way. Things like: relics, shrines, pilgrimages,
buildings, monuments, and even people (called saints) who are considered to be
holy. Yet, no matter the pomp or circumstance these are still earthly things.
secularists, who claim no official religious creed have their own versions of
the mundane sacred. For many it is natural world. Beautiful and spectacular as
it may be, yes, even the world itself is still worldly.
Bible says the truly sacred is about God revealing Himself, and it should be
respected as such. It’s not that Moses’ removal of his sandals somehow made him
holy enough to approach God. Instead, God was teaching Moses to be respectful
of His presence. How does that play out in our lives? Well, God doesn’t show
Himself in a burning bush. Jesus isn’t walking the earth anymore. To answer
this in our lives, we ask again, the overarching question – How does God reveal
Himself to us?
answer is clear and we have learned in from our youth – God reveals Himself in
His Word. God tells us 2 Timothy 3:15 and that from childhood you have known
the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through
faith which is in Christ Jesus. (2Ti 3:15 NKJ) A subset of that revelation
through the Bible is the Sacraments – Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. God gives
special characterizations to these blessings which indicate that they reveal
His presence to us. Therefore, we appropriately called them Sacraments, meaning
“sacred acts.”
Part 2: More about a Departure than an Arrival
second aspect we see about the sacred is another Transfiguration theme. In the
Scripture accounts for today we certainly see displays of God’s glory. But
maybe you didn’t realize that we also see a theme of departure.
text here is pretty obvious. It comes from the book of Exodus, meaning
departure. God is calling Moses here for the purpose of freeing His people from
Egypt. The meaning of Moses’ call would be realized when Israel, as a nation,
departed Egypt and returned to the Promised Land. Two weeks ago we read the
account from Exodus where they crossed the Red Sea, what was perhaps the most
dramatic event along the way home.
this text we also see a personal exodus for Moses. Up unto this point he has
tried to manipulate God’s plan in His life. He murdered and hid. He denied and
doubted. But here the LORD was not going to have any more excuses. It was time
for Moses to step out of his shell of self-reliance and trust God.
other themes of departure in the Gospel and Epistle accounts are not as easy to
see, but they are certainly there. In Luke 9:31 we’re told what Jesus, Moses,
and Elijah talked about; who appeared in
glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at
Jerusalem. You may have guessed that the Greek word for “departure” in
these verses is literally “exodus.” Yes, Jesus was on the brink of His own
departure when He was transfigured on the mountain. This exodus was His death
on the cross. Ultimately, the exodus from Egypt was a picture of this exodus
from Jesus. Time and time again throughout the Old Testament the prophets of
God would remind the people how God delivered them from Egypt; not just as a
history lesson, but as reason to hope that God would also fulfill His Messianic
promise. When Jesus went to the cross, He delivered all people from sin, death,
guilt, and shame. He departed this life so that we could all share in eternal
yes, we also see the theme of departure in Peter’s retelling of the Transfiguration.
2 Peter 1:14-15 says, knowing that I
will soon lay aside my tent, as our Lord Jesus Christ has also shown me. 15 And
I will also make every effort that you may be able to recall these things at
any time after my departure. Again, the Greek word for exodus. We see our
lives in Peter’s. As sinners, we know that we all face death, if the world
lasts long enough. We will go through that same departure that Christ endured.
Yet, for the believer, as Peter confesses, this does not leave us in despair.
Because Christ died on our behalf, we have hope that death cannot conquer us.
We are content by faith, to “lay aside the tent” of our bodies, just as Peter
did – because of our confidence in Jesus.
see, the sacred is more about a departure than an arrival. The sacred things of
the world, the shrines, the relics, the holy places – they all have
significance through those who arrive. Worship at the shrine. See the relic.
Take a pilgrimage to the holy place. But, with God things are different.
Holiness is not bound up in our ability to arrive. Instead, it’s about
departure. First Christ’s, which paid for sin and gave me a place in heaven.
And then my departure, when I leave this sad world to be in My Father’s house
Sinners are Sanctified
we too, like Moses come before the Lord’s holiness with respect. We seek to
remove the sandals of pride, self-righteousness, pre-conceived notions, and
personal opinions. As 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the
knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
we also recognize the last point of our sermon – that holy ground sanctifies
sinners. That which is truly sacred, namely revealed by God and focused on the
departure through Christ our Savior, is able to redeem and restore fallen
sinners like us. We respect and obey God, but we do not worry about whether or
not we can come to Him. In Jesus we are given access because Jesus is the
justifier of the ungodly.
with that cleansing, we are given new purpose in our lives. Take Moses as the
example. Through this moment with God Moses became a new person. He wasn’t
completely perfect to be sure, but he was changed. He was able to follow God’s
will. He clung tightly to God’s revelation in power and in word. He led God’s
people. He made intercession for sins in God’s name. Moses was changed. The
Holy ground sanctified him through God’s presence, power, and mercy.
same thing could be said of Peter, James, and John on the mountaintop. They
were sinful and foolish. James and John argued about being greatest in the
kingdom of heaven. Peter didn’t know what to say on the mountain. He would
obviously later deny His Lord and Savior in the most critical moment. But
Jesus’ message to them was not one of failure but one of purpose. They were
forgiven and cleansed of their sin and their lives were changed to serve and
glorify God. That’s holiness in action. It has the ability to change a sinner’s
so, we come to ourselves. Is anything sacred? If you look at my life, if I look
at yours, we probably can’t find much. We’re spiritually disgusting and dirty.
We don’t deserve to approach God’s glory and we know it, even if we try to act
differently sometimes. But like all the others, even we are forgiven and
cleansed in Christ. He shows us the glory of God in the Word and Sacraments –
things that seem ordinary and common on the outside but hold divine power and
eternal blessings. He has atoned for our transgressions by offering up His life
– the departure of His soul and body as well as the departure of His Father’s
blessing because of our sins. Jesus was forsaken and despised on our behalf.
But as surprising, joyful, and glorious as His resurrection from the grave was,
so also our sanctification is surprising, joyful, and glorious. Holy ground is
still here – wherever the unconditional grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is
proclaimed. And on that ground all sinners find a haven from sin’s storms.
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