It’s About Time!
1. A Cry for Deliverance
2. A Lesson for Life
38:9-20 A poem by Hezekiah king of Judah after he had been sick and had
recovered from his illness: 10 I said: In the prime of my life I must go to the
gates of Sheol; I am deprived of the rest of my years. 11 I said: I will never
see the LORD, the LORD in the land of the living; I will not look on humanity
any longer with the inhabitants of what is passing away. 12 My dwelling is
plucked up and removed from me like a shepherd's tent. I have rolled up my life
like a weaver; He cuts me off from the loom. You make an end of me from day
until night. 13 I thought until the morning: He will break all my bones like a
lion; You make an end of me day and night. 14 I chirp like a swallow or a
crane; I moan like a dove. My eyes grow weak looking upward. Lord, I am
oppressed; support me. 15 What can I say? He has spoken to me, and He Himself
has done it. I walk along slowly all my years because of the bitterness of my
soul, 16 Lord, because of these promises people live, and in all of them is the
life of my spirit as well; You have restored me to health and let me live. 17
Indeed, it was for my own welfare that I had such great bitterness; but Your
love has delivered me from the Pit of destruction, for You have thrown all my
sins behind Your back. 18 For Sheol cannot thank You; Death cannot praise You.
Those who go down to the Pit cannot hope for Your faithfulness. 19 The living,
only the living can thank You, as I do today; a father will make Your
faithfulness known to children. 20 The LORD will save me; we will play stringed
instruments all the days of our lives at the house of the LORD.
Last weekend we studied a message from Isaiah
chapter 40 about waiting upon the LORD. We saw how faith trusts in the LORD’s
power and grace and waits for Him to act in our lives. Today, our lesson from
God’s Word is very similar, especially since it comes just two chapters before
in Isaiah. But the situation it describes is very unique and different.
Most of what you’ll find about King Hezekiah in
the Bible comes from the books of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. Hezekiah was a king
over the two southern tribes of Benjamin and Judah. He was a godly king. We’re
told that he followed God faithfully. And Hezekiah needed God because he was
tested greatly and, despite his faithfulness, he wasn’t perfect. Even though
we’re not kings, and our generation is far distant from Hezekiah’s, these two
things are true of our lives also. We’re tested and we’re far from perfect.
Therefore, we have much to learn today as we consider the thought – “It’s About
Time!” A cry for deliverance and a lesson for life.
Hezekiah had a tumultuous life to say the
least. If you ever feel like God is being unfair to you, I encourage you to
read about Hezekiah. As the king of Judah, he was responsible for protecting
his people from devastation and upheaval at the hands of the mighty Assyrian
empire. About 15 years before these events, the Assyrians had defeated the 10
northern tribes of Israel. Soon after, they pressed south at the last two
tribes which formed the nation of Judah. The Assyrians surrounded the city and
set a siege to starve the people out. Hezekiah prayed to the LORD for
deliverance and the Assyrian army was destroyed in one night by an angel from
One might expect joy or relief after this
event, at the very least a period of peace, but in the very next verse Isaiah
was sent to tell Hezekiah: “Thus says
the LORD, Set your house in order, for you shall die (2 Kings 20:1).” We’re
not told why the LORD gave this message. We’re not told what Hezekiah would die
from. All we know is that, once again, Hezekiah prayed for deliverance; and,
once again, the LORD delivered him. The LORD said that Hezekiah would live
another 15 years.
What we have before us today are the thoughts
that went through Hezekiah’s mind as he received this response from God. In
beautifully detailed writing, Hezekiah paints a picture of the ups and downs of
faith. In many ways we hear the cry, “It’s about
time!” as Hezekiah so desperately seeks relief from God – knowing that his
times and his life are in God’s hands.
The thoughts surrounding Hezekiah’s anguish can
really be summed up in something David wrote in Psalm 31. He said to the LORD, “My times are in Your hand.” When
Isaiah pronounced that Hezekiah was going to die, Hezekiah had to come to grips
with the reality that the LORD was in control. Even if we’re not on death’s
doorstep, the same thing applies in our lives. Paul would conclude a similar
thought in Romans, “Therefore, whether
we live or die, we are the Lord's” (Rom 14:8 NKJ)
This is an important realization to come to as
a believer. So often, it’s easy to think that God’s late in our lives. We get
frustrated when He doesn’t act when we think He should. Consider, again, the
theme of waiting by faith which we explored last weekend. The cry of
desperation when we see the LORD’s answer often becomes, “It’s about time, God!” as if He’s late or
sluggish in His dealings with us.
The thing is, while the LORD constructed time
in His infinite power, it’s something that He is above. God is eternal.
Therefore, He can never be late because He always is. Lateness can only apply
to a creature who is bound by time. So, David says, “My times are in Your hand.” The LORD is always present and always
attentive. Even in the most dangerous of settings, when life and death are on
the line, God is present. And when He chooses to act, we know it’s the best
moment. As the one who oversees all time, God knows when the best moment is for
your life.
The cry of desperation comes forth because this
is a difficult thing to go through. While we know that something good lies up
ahead in any tragedy, because God promises it to be so, we can’t see it
immediately. Hezekiah reflected upon this even after He received deliverance
from the LORD. Hezekiah describes his life as fragile thread in the weaver’s
control, like a fleeting shepherd’s tent that is pitched in one moment and
uprooted the next, like a chattering bird who cries out in need. The struggle
is so real that Hezekiah even depicts himself as a lion’s victim when faced
with his lack of control in the face of God’s plan.
But Hezekiah records these descriptions for
more than just portraying His struggle. He wants to remember. Hezekiah
wants to remember what the bitterness and anguish feel like and he wants to
take that with him in the future. Consider what he writes in verse 17: “Indeed, it was for my own welfare that I
had such great bitterness; but Your love has delivered me from the Pit of
destruction, for You have thrown all my sins behind Your back.” In verse 15
he also remarked, “I walk along slowly
all my years because of the bitterness of my soul.”
Part 2:
Hezekiah used the pain he felt to remind him of
what the LORD had done. It was bitterness, but he would take it with him the
rest of his days. It was agonizing to endure, but it was for his own
well-being. Hezekiah speaks this with the clarity of faith, the 20/20 vision of
being able to look back on a struggle and see the LORD’s hand in it. For the
believer, the bitterness becomes a reminder of grace. And this phenomenon of
faith turns the desperate plea, “It’s about
time,” into the gentle reminder, “It’s about time.”
That’s where the LORD led Hezekiah – to
appreciate the time he was given on earth – whether it was his last day or
whether he had 15 more years. As we might expect, Hezekiah came away from this
situation with a new-found appreciation for his life. The LORD gave assurance
of this promise in a sign that literally turned back time, as He made the
sundial in Hezekiah’s palace reverse 10 degrees. But this event caused Hezekiah
to think of much more than just himself – it brought him back to considering
the LORD.
The fact that life is about time means more to
the believer than just time to cross off more bucket list items or time to
spend with family. It means time with the LORD. We call that our time of
grace, and it’s a precious gift from God that we far too often take for
granted. Hezekiah wrote, The LORD will
save me; we will play stringed instruments all the days of our lives at the
house of the LORD. Hezekiah thought of going to the house of the LORD not just
to praise God, but to spend time with Him. Hezekiah realized once again what a
wonderful gift that was. Sometimes, Christians forget that so God reminds them
by taking the opportunity away. Sometimes, He takes our time with Him away, not
because we’ve forgotten it, but to build another part of our faith that needs
nourishment. Just as we need to remember that every moment of life, whether we
live or die, is under God’s control; so also we need to remember that the LORD
enriches our faith by the trial.
We can look back in history and see examples.
The early Christians were threatened by the authorities, many to the point of
death. They were threatened by false teachers, to the point of denying Christ.
Through these things the LORD taught them that “It’s about time,” the time of grace with Him. And so, the early church
defended the sacred books of the Bible. They developed statements of faith like
the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. They took the message of Christ to countries
and kingdoms where our ancestors came from. The entire time, the LORD was
watching over His Church.
We know well of many of the Reformers from the
13, 14, and 1500s who staked reputation and life upon the Word of God. They
lived by the same truth – “It’s about
time with God” and they made the most of that life. Today, our church and
our teachings benefit from their sacrifice. Less than 100 years ago, Lutherans
in America were forced to decide between giving up on critical teachings such
as the inerrancy of the Bible, God as Creator, and in some cases the very
principles of grace alone, faith alone, and Scripture alone. Faithful
Christians were once again called to remember that Life is about Time with God
– the Time of Grace to spend in His Word with faithful obedience. Each
generation of believers is called to this trial in different ways, to
appreciate the time they have been given to witness of God’s love for sinners
in His Son Jesus, and to appreciate that gift for themselves. Like Hezekiah, we
can reflect with appreciation on this opportunity despite the accompanying
bitterness and anguish.
Stacked against such odds, many would have
thought that the Church of God would have fallen to the pages of history. Like
Jerusalem surrounded by a host of Assyrian soldiers, many today mock believers
as weak and on the brink of total loss. And yet we hold the line. Because what
we seek to protect is also that which gives us strength. Hezekiah stated, “For Sheol cannot thank You; Death cannot
praise You. Those who go down to the Pit cannot hope for Your faithfulness. 19
The living, only the living can thank You, as I do today; a father will make
Your faithfulness known to children.”
700 some years after that statement, Hezekiah’s
Savior would state similarly, "For He is not the God of the dead but of the
living, for all live to Him." (Luk 20:38 NKJ)
We rejoice
in our Time with God – our time in His grace, we hold the line of His truth as
given in His Word, because He is the God of the living, and living men and
women praise His name. That blessing in our Risen Savior’s name is worth
remembering, and worth cherishing. And by faith in Jesus, we can get past
saying, “It’s about time God,” and we can humbly and cheerfully reflect, “It’s
about time with my God – the living God for living believers. Amen.
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