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is full of great men and women. Heroes who accomplished great things for their
families, their nations, or for the world in general. In grade school we learn
to sing the praises of these great people of history.
later in life we often learn that those heroes are tainted. Pick a hero, and
you can probably find a book which details all the flaws in their character. Sometimes
the things that are revealed are shocking. When the layers are peeled back, we
find our heroes were all too human, and prone to the same sins that we are
same is true of the heroes of faith that we find in the Bible. Noah. Abraham.
Moses. David. Peter. Paul. While the Bible speaks highly of these men, the Holy
Spirit doesn’t shy away from recording their shameful deeds also. The one thing
all our heroes have in common is this—they were sinners who needed a Savior.
this point in our study of king David, we’ve sung his praises. We’ve seen how
David trusted in the God of the Bible, and how he did great things in service his
LORD and country.
when we peel back the layers on this Biblical hero, we find yet another sinner.
thing we find when we take a second look over David’s life, is that he was PRONE
David wanted to prove to Jonathan that king Saul was after him, he told
Jonathan to tell a lie. Tell the king that I’m not dining at his table because
I’ve gone to a special family gathering in Bethlehem. If he’s upset about it,
you’ll know that he really wants to catch me and murder me (1 Samuel
was a lie.
when David sought refuge from Saul in the city of Gath, he was afraid Gath’s
king would see him as a threat. So, David pretended to be insane.
was deception.
David used lies and deception when he felt threatened, but that doesn’t change
the fact that they were still lies and deception.
this is what we find in our own lives too, isn’t it? We want to be truthful,
but when we feel threatened, our sinful nature leads us to lie and deceive to
escape that uncomfortable conversation or difficult situation.
was not a violent man by nature, but since he lived in a time of war, he became
a skilled warrior. Through his service in Saul’s army, David became an
experienced general. He was molded into an instrument of war. And this made him
a dangerous man when backed into a corner.
one occasion, David’s anger got the best of him. David and his men had been
keeping away from Saul, and camping in an area where a man named Nabal grazed
his flocks. Instead of helping themselves to Nabal’s sheep, David’s men looked
out for Nabal’s possessions and servants. They served as a protective hedge
around them.
sheering time came, David thought Nabal might repay the favor with something
from the herds. But being a wicked man, Nabal refused David’s request, stating
that he didn’t know who David was and certainly wasn’t about to start giving
handouts to every servant who ran away from his master.
was enraged at the insult, and mounted up with his men to go and punish Nabal.
On the way, David swore that he would wipe out all of Nabal’s sons in
retribution for his ungrateful response.
Nabal’s good wife, Abigail, heard what was happening and led a delegation with
gifts to appease David. The massacre never happened. But the fact remained, DAVID
while you and I might not think to kill someone, we’re prone to the same
feelings of resentment toward those who treat us badly. Our tempers flare up
and show themselves with harmful words that we regret.
David was a just king. But HE WAS ALSO PRONE TO FAVORITISM. When two men
murdered a rival king and brought the head to David, he quickly administered
justice and had the murderers executed. But when his own general, Joab,
murdered a man named Abner in cold blood, David did little. Sure, David made
the murderer walk in Abner’s burial procession. Sure, David made it clear that
Joab’s action was evil and that David himself had no part in the crime. But
Joab was not taken to trial and he was not executed. He remained David’s chief
was sometimes hard for David to carry out when it hit close to home.
the same is true for us today. It’s easy for us to denounce wickedness we see
in the news, or the wickedness done by people not closely associated with us.
But when the people we know and love commit sins, sometimes we just keep quiet
and look the other way. We’re afraid to take matters head on, and seek the
LORD’s will.
true that the Bible calls David a “man after the LORD’s own heart” (1 Samuel
13:14). But not because of his sins. David was a man after the LORD’s own
heart because of his trust in God, and his willingness to be rebuked and
corrected by the LORD. David knew he was a great sinner, but he also knew that
the LORD had promised to save him through the Messiah that was coming.
our reading for today we’re going to see David’s faults come out in full force.
We’ll also see the LORD’s disapproval and rebuke of his servant. But first, we
need to take just a few moments to get caught up on where we are in David’s
Saul had died. The people had recognized David as the LORD’s chosen king of
Israel. The civil war that had erupted after Saul’s death had run its course
and came to an end. Now, as commander and chief, David was campaigning against
the nations surrounding Israel. And the LORD was once again giving David the
victory at every turn.
Amalek, Edom, Moab, Ammon—all the surrounding nations were defeated by David
and his forces. David even marched as far north as the Euphrates river to
secure the land of Israel. To get some perspective, the great Euphrates river
was about 340 miles north of Jerusalem. That’s about the width of Washington
state. David secured all that land, and that was just to the north!
while skirmishes sprang up from time to time, the LORD now gave David and
Israel a time of relative peace.
was during this time that David’s thoughts turned to building the LORD at
proper temple. A real building instead of a tent where the people could come to
worship the LORD. In response to this, the LORD told David that it was not his
task to build the LORD’s temple. That task would belong to one of his
descendants. And The LORD had also revealed to David that one of his
descendants would rule over an ETERNAL kingdom. That ruler would be the
Messiah, Jesus Christ. He would one day be born from David’s descendants to
rule in the hearts and lives of all who look to him as Savior.
this time, David not only sought to honor the LORD, he also sought to care for
the survivors of Saul’s house. Saul’s son Jonathan had one remaining child. A
son by the name of Mephibosheth who had been crippled by an accident in his
youth. David summoned this man and declared that from this point forward, the crippled
Mephibosheth would eat at David’s table, and live in David’s palace.
were finally looking good for David. And stable. The land was secure. The LORD
had promised his family great things. And David was occupying his time with
kind and gracious activities.
then comes our text.
2 Samuel 11:1-17, 26-27 (NIV)
11 In the spring, at the time when kings go off to
war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They
destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.
2 One evening David got up from his bed and walked around
on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was
very beautiful, 3 and David sent someone to find out about her.
The man said, “She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah
the Hittite.” 4 Then David sent messengers to get her. She came
to him, and he slept with her. (Now she was purifying herself from her monthly
uncleanness.) Then she went back home. 5 The woman conceived and
sent word to David, saying, “I am pregnant.”
6 So David sent this word to Joab: “Send me Uriah the
Hittite.” And Joab sent him to David. 7 When Uriah came to him,
David asked him how Joab was, how the soldiers were and how the war was going. 8 Then
David said to Uriah, “Go down to your house and wash your feet.” So Uriah left
the palace, and a gift from the king was sent after him. 9 But
Uriah slept at the entrance to the palace with all his master’s servants and
did not go down to his house.
10 David was told, “Uriah did not go home.” So he asked
Uriah, “Haven’t you just come from a military campaign? Why didn’t you go
11 Uriah said to David, “The ark and Israel and Judah are
staying in tents, and my commander Joab and my lord’s men are camped in the
open country. How could I go to my house to eat and drink and make love to my
wife? As surely as you live, I will not do such a thing!”
12 Then David said to him, “Stay here one more day, and
tomorrow I will send you back.” So Uriah remained in Jerusalem that day and the
next. 13 At David’s invitation, he ate and drank with him, and
David made him drunk. But in the evening Uriah went out to sleep on his mat
among his master’s servants; he did not go home.
14 In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it
with Uriah. 15 In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front where
the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and
16 So while Joab
had the city under siege, he put Uriah at a place where he knew the strongest
defenders were. 17 When the men of the city came out and fought
against Joab, some of the men in David’s army fell; moreover, Uriah the Hittite
26 When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she
mourned for him. 27 After the time of mourning was over, David
had her brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But
the thing David had done displeased the Lord.
of all, look at verse 1. It says that in the spring, when kings are
accustomed to go off to war, David stayed home.
It appears that all the success the LORD had been sending David finally got to
his head. HE was the king. HE didn’t need to lead the armies of Israel, Joab
could do that. HE could rest at home.
before long, David was restless. And one evening he wandered aimlessly on the
roof of the palace. And from that roof something caught his eye. Someone. A
BEAUTIFUL woman. And when he saw her, David’s LUST was kindled.
David sends to find out about this woman, he learns that she is the wife of one
Uriah the Hittite. But that doesn’t stop David. HE’s the king. He sends for her
the result is that she becomes pregnant. But her husband has been away to war
for some time, and there will be no mistaking who the father of this child is
when he returns. And so David turns to LIES AND DECEPTION.
idea is simple. Get Uriah back home for a time. A little break from serving in
the army. Then it’ll look like the child born to Bathsheba is Uriah’s child.
David’s plan doesn’t work. Uriah won’t go home when his fellow soldiers don’t
have the same opportunity. Uriah is like David in his youth, honorable and
David tries to help his plan along by getting Uriah drunk. Surely then he will
go home to his wife.
again, even under the influence, Uriah won’t go.
so David turns to LIES, DECEPTION, AND MURDER. He sends a message to his
commander Joab to place Uriah in the front lines and to draw back from him in
the battle so he’ll die. And this message, to David’s even greater shame, he sends
in the very hand of Uriah. He unknowingly carries his own death warrant.
to pile sin upon sin, with Uriah dead, David takes his widow Bathsheba to be
his own wife. No remorse here. NO JUSTICE FROM KING DAVID. Just
self-serving sin. He covers it all up, and moves on like nothing ever happened.
this point we wonder, what in the world is David thinking?! How could he do
this?! And all we need to do, to answer this question, is look in our own
lives. How many times have we done what we knew was WRONG, simply because we
WANTED to. Simply because we are sinners, one and all.
people sitting beside us might not know our secret sins. They might even think
highly of us as their fellow Christians. If asked about us they might tell a
story or two about the kind favors we’ve done for them, or for others.
if God were to peel back the layers in our lives and publish them out in a
book—then all would see the truth about how good we really are. It
wouldn’t even take that much would it. God could just write out our secret
thoughts through the course of a single day, and people around us would never
again look at us in the same way.
point is simple. David was a sinner, and so are we. And for our sins against
him, the just God should remove his love and blessings from our lives forever.
that’s not what the just God did to David. And that’s not what he does to us.
Instead, we find that the just and holy LORD is also the pitying, merciful, and
loving God.
think we all know how this story plays out. The LORD sends his prophet Nathan
to rebuke David for his sins. Nathan tells David a story about a poor man who
had only a little ewe lamb whom he cared for like a child. But a rich and
wicked neighbor took that little lamb and slaughtered it to provide a meal for
a guest in his home.
David hears the story, he is angry, and declares that the rich man deserves to
die. That he aught to pay the poor man back four times over for doing such a
wicked thing, and having no pity.
then Nathan tells David, “You are the man!” (2 Samuel 12:7 NIV).
had committed adultery. David had lied and deceived. David had murdered and
covered it up. But when the LORD presented David with his own wickedness, David
was sorry. He was sorry for all he had done, most of all, that through these
actions—he had sinned against the LORD.
is true repentance. David wasn’t just sorry got caught. David was grieved that
he had sinned against the LORD.
so the gracious and loving LORD forgave David. Nathan told him, “The LORD has
taken away your sin. You are not going to die” (2 Samuel 12:13 NIV).
is the way the LORD deals with sin. David would have to bear the consequences
of this sin in his life. His child would die. And the LORD told David that now
the sword would never depart from his family because David had despised the
LORD by his actions. But before the LORD, David was truly forgiven. He would
not be struck dead. Nor would he be cast away from the LORD’s presence for
eternity. The LORD took David’s sin away.
would be years from this day when Jesus would stagger up the hill of Calvary.
It would be decades from this day when nails would be driven through Christ’s
hands and feet. It would be centuries from this day when hell would descend on
the crucified Son of God for the sins of all mankind. But it would be done. And
David’s sins, and ours, would be paid for when the sinless Son of God suffered
for them in our place. And in view of the payment Christ would one day make on
behalf of David and all sinners, the LORD took David’s sin away. He forgave
what do we take away from this dark chapter of David’s life? For one, we learn
that when God blesses sinners, we often respond by wanting MORE. By
nature, we are never satisfied with the goodness that we have. Even those who
trust in the LORD struggle with being content.
we learn to BE ON GUARD when the LORD blesses us with security and
power. For our sinful instinct is to reach beyond what is right and abuse the
security and power that the LORD gives us.
Sins of deception, violence, and favoritism. He favored himself. And sadly we often
do the same. We sneer and gossip over the sins of others, and dismissing our
own wickedness.
Christians who know the story of Christ, and the gospel of free forgiveness we
are prone to abuse this gospel. Let me explain. Since we know that God’s
forgiveness comes to us as a free gift sometimes pretend like this dismisses us
from bearing the consequences of our sinful choices in this life.
I’m forgiven by God, so why doesn’t everyone just
forget about what I did?! They’re judging me. Can’t they just trust me again?
ARE completely forgiven in Christ. But we also
need to repair the relationships our sins damage. Undo the gossip. Speak
the words of apology. Rebuild the roads of trust that our sins have demolished.
Repair the damage to Christ’s reputation that our poor choices have inflicted.
And these things take time, and the Holy Spirit’s power.
Christ’s gift of forgiveness our relationship with God is repaired instantly.
But our relationships with other people take more time to heal. Resenting this
fact doesn’t make it any less true. In the gospel of Christ we are called to
live in the land of peace and forgiveness, and also, to rebuild what we have
torn down by our sins. That may be hard, but the Holy Spirit who brought us to
faith is powerful, and he will lead us in the right direction and give us the
strength to repair what we have broken.
and I may not categorize ourselves with the great men and women of history. Men
and women who are recorded in the history books, and in the holy Scriptures.
But we do have one thing in common with them—we are all sinners who desperately
need the pity, mercy, and loving forgiveness of the eternal God. And in Christ,
that is what we have.
PRAYER: Father
in heaven, we have sinned against you in countless ways. Our particular sins
may not be known by those around us in great detail, but you know them. Lead us
to live our lives in daily repentance. Daily coming to your throne of
unflinching justice, to seek your unending forgiveness. As we lay our sins
before you with downcast faces, reach down with your tender and powerful touch
and lift our chins up. Lift them up to see your Son, and our Savior, and fill
us with your peace. Amen.
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