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Jesus began his ministry, people were drawn to him like he was a magnet. They
saw his miracles and heard his preaching and deduced he was a prophet sent from
God at the very least. And perhaps he was even more.
this prophet from Nazareth was the Messiah that they had been waiting for. The
Messiah they expected to bring a new era of political freedom and economic prosperity
to the nation of Israel.
was so ingrained in the minds of the people that the promised Messiah would set
up an earthly kingdom for the Jews, that even after years of preaching to the
contrary, and after his death and
resurrection, the disciples of Christ still insisted on asking,
“Lord, will you at this time
restore the kingdom to Israel?”
(Acts 1:6 ESV).
told them that instead of glory, they should expect persecution and suffering in
this world. The followers of Christ would be seized, thrown out of synagogues,
put in jail, and dragged before civil authorities.
of glory, they would get injustice.
human beings we are sensitive to injustice, or perceived injustice, especially
when it is directed at us personally.
one thing to have to fix what you broke, or apologize for hurtful words that
you said. But when a person blames you for something you didn’t do, or
ridicules you for doing something that was actually right and good, that’s
harder to take.
our reading for today, the apostle Peter teaches that in this life Christians
are called to suffer injustice in the name of our Savior.
Peter highlights two things that help us to suffer personal injustice with
grace. First of all, when we look to Christ, we see that he experienced great
injustice to redeem us. This makes our suffering for him a great honor.
when we look to God’s promise of final redemption, we learn to endure injustice
in this life as an exercise of faith. An exercise of faith which will
ultimately end in glory.
1 Peter 3:17-22 (NASB)
For it is better,
if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than
for doing what is wrong. 18For Christ also died for sins once for
all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to
God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; 19in
which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison, 20who once were disobedient, when the
patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of
the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water. 21Corresponding to
that, baptism now saves you—not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an
appeal to God for a good conscience—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22who
is at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after angels and
authorities and powers had been subjected to Him.
is the eighth sermon in our ongoing study of Peter’s first letter. As we’ve
already noted, Peter wrote this letter to a group of churches located in Asia Minor
in the first century AD. He wrote to them because he heard that they had been
suffering persecution because of their faith in Jesus as the Messiah, and Peter
wanted to encourage them in the faith.
the verses just preceding our reading for today, Peter encouraged his fellow
Christians not to retaliate when people told lies about them or ridiculed their
godly lives.
people tell lies about us, or make fun of us, our natural instinct is to
respond in the same way. To repay angry words with our own angry words. To
repay slander with slander, and insult with insult.
Peter says that the Christian should take the high road instead. The follower
of Christ should note that it is better to suffer for doing right, than to
suffer for doing what is wrong.
is nothing to be admired when a criminal receives what their crimes deserve.
But when a righteous person endures under injustice because of they trust God,
that is admirable.
you and I are going to bring this teaching into play in our own lives, we need
to start with the small injustices. We need to learn to endure them with grace.
Forgiving those who commit them, and looking to God for the strength to respond
with gentleness and love.
we practice repaying the small evils with good, then we’ll grow in spirit. Then
we’ll be prepared by God to face greater injustice in a way that brings honor
and renown to the name “Christian”—to our Savior’s name.
directs his brothers and sisters in Christ to remember the injustice that Jesus
endured on our behalf. Verse 18 says,
“18For Christ also died
for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to
God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;” (1
Peter 3:18 NASB).
year, during Lent, we remember the injustice that our Savior endured on our
behalf. He was arrested without any real charges being cited against him. He
was beaten and interrogated. Coached witnesses told lies about him. Men spit on
him and slapped him around while his hands were bound.
Pontius Pilate proclaimed Jesus innocent of all charges, he then had his men
scourge Jesus with an iron studded whip. Then, to add more injury and insult,
Pilate again pronounced Jesus innocent and sentenced him to be crucified to
greater than this, while Jesus was on the cross, he carried our guilt on his
soul. Peter says that Christ, “died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust.”
That is to say, for all the wickedness that had ever been committed by human
hearts and hands, Jesus suffered and died.
makes it clear that Jesus was even separated from his heavenly Father while
securing our salvation. He suffered our hell, when he had only, ever, done what
was right and good.
puts things into perspective for Christians enduring injustice in their own
lives. Jesus knows what we’re feeling when injustice happens. And it is the
divine forgiveness that comes to us through his sacrifice that enables us to
face injustice with courage, gentleness, and love—instead of anger, spite, and
harsh words.
of what Christ suffered to redeem us from hell, anything we might suffer for
his name is now a privilege, and a great honor. Like the apostle Paul wrote in Philippians
“For to you it
has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to
suffer for His sake,” (Philippians
1:29 NASB).
to help his fellow Christians in Asia Minor to bear up under injustice, Peter
not only directs them to look back to Christ. He also directs them to look
forward to the glory which will one day be ours in heaven.
Jesus humbly gave himself to save the unjust, he was raised from the dead in
glory. And after appearing to many, to show them that his sacrifice on their
behalf had been accepted, Jesus ascended through the skies to sit enthroned at
the Father’s side, above all angels, authorities, and powers.
before he left his little band of followers on earth, he promised them that one
day he would return for them. But this next time he would not come in lowliness
to suffer. This next time he would come in glory with all the angels of heaven.
And all who looked to him as their Savior and King would be gathered into the
Father’s house once and for all.
we look forward to Christ’s return, and our vindication before the whole world,
we again receive perspective. Any indignity or injustice that we suffered in
this life will mean absolutely NOTHING. It will be a blip on the radar, a sand
on the seashore, a drop in the ocean—compared to the glory we will inherit.
Like Paul says in Romans 8,
“…I consider
that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the
glory that is to be revealed to us”
(Romans 8:18 NASB).
When we
respond to evil with good, and refuse to settle the scores ourselves when faced
with personal injustice, we are exercising our faith in Christ’s promise. And
with exercise comes greater strength. Greater trust in Christ’s promise, and a
firmer grasp on the glory to come.
explains why the Christian church has so often flourished in the face of
persecution. It was when times were easy that Christians were tempted to grow
spiritually fat and lazy. But when kings and emperors tried to stamp out
Christianity, that’s when the power of Christ flared up and the message of
forgiveness through Christ found its way into more and more homes and hearts.
It was during
times of persecution and injustice that Christians were forced to look back to
the cross, and the empty tomb, up to Christ enthroned at the Father’s side, and
forward to the time when he would return in glory.
But we
don’t need persecution to do these things do we? Not if we take Peter’s words
to heart. We can look back to Christ in faith, and forward to Christ in
faith—even if we’re not in chains for our faith. That’s what we’re trying to do
here today isn’t it!?
When some
personal injustice, small or great, weighs on your heart and mind, bring it to
Christ. Don’t let it fester. Bring it to Christ, for the power to forgive. And
look forward to the day when all wrongs will be made right in the kingdom of
Now before
we close our mediation today there are a few more important theological points
to talk about in our reading.
Into this
portion of his letter, Peter weaves three such points. One is the Christ’s
descent into hell. Look again at verses 18-20.
Christ also died for sins once for all, the
just for the unjust, so that He might
bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the
spirit; 19in which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits
now in prison, 20who once
were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah,
during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons,
were brought safely through the water”
(1 Peter 3:18-20 NASB).
This is the
only section in the whole Scripture which specifically refers to Christ’s
descent into hell. It states that after Christ was raised from the dead He
went, in his new glorified state, to make a proclamation to spirits imprisoned
in hell and awaiting the final judgment.
These spirits
included, at least, those who rejected God in the days of Noah. While we aren’t
told specifically what Christ announced to them, we know from the rest of
Scripture that it wasn’t the Gospel. Their opportunity to come to faith in
Christ had ended when they had died. So, we conclude that Christ’s message to
them was a proclamation of victory over all who had rejected God.
It is
notable that the Apostles’ Creed includes a line referring to Christ’s the
descent into hell. The Apostles’ Creed evolved in the first five centuries as
concise confession of what a Christian believes. While the version we use today
is first found in its entirety toward the close of the fifth century, we find
bits and pieces of it being used all the way back to the first century.
Some find
it strange that the early Christians would include the descent into hell in the
creed. After all, it is only communicated to us by a single passage of
Scripture. But rather than strange, it’s educational. It teaches us how early
Christians viewed Scripture. It didn’t matter if it was only one verse in
Scripture, if the Holy Spirit had it written down, it was solid. It didn’t need
to be said five or six times in five or six different books of the Bible to be
true. This was the word of God.
In this
way, every time we say, “He descended into hell” in the Creed, we’re also
saying, “I believe the Bible is the Spirit inspired Word of God in every part.”
The second
theological point Peter weaves into our text for today is that Baptism saves
a person from sin. Look at verse 21 again.
to that, baptism now saves you—not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an
appeal to God for a good conscience—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,”
(1 Peter 3:21 NASB).
understand what Peter is saying here, let’s break it down a little bit. First
of all, let’s take out the phrase in the middle and look at the basic statement
Peter is making here. Peter’s basic statement is…
now saves you… …through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:21 NASB).
Baptism can
be said to save a person from sin ONLY because it creates and strengthens faith
in Christ. Christ is the one who offered himself as a sinless sacrifice in the
place of all sinners. God the Father then raised him from the dead as testimony
to the world that his sacrifice on behalf of sinners was accepted.
saves, but not apart from faith in Christ. It’s not a magic get-to-heaven-free
card. It saves because it creates and strengthens faith in the one and only
Baptism creates and strengthens faith in the Savior, it gives us a clean
conscience before God.
Peter makes
a comparison here between the way God saved Noah and his family through the
waters of the flood, and the way God now saves sinners through the waters of
Baptism. In the ark, Noah and his family were rescued. In Christ, sinners are
A lot of
churches are confused when it comes to Baptism. They say it doesn’t save, even
though the Bible clearly says otherwise. I think they say this because they
don’t want people to think Baptism is a magical ticket to heaven. Just get baptized
and then you’re all good, no matter what you believe afterwards.
Better to
teach them what Baptism really is. It is a tool that God uses to create and
strengthen faith in Christ—who is the one way to forgiveness and eternal life.
already touched on the last theological point Peter weaves into our text for
today, and that is the importance of the resurrection of Christ from the
dead. Before his crucifixion, Jesus told his disciples that he was going to
suffer and die to save sinners. But he also told them that three days later
he’d be raised from the dead.
When the
Father raised Jesus from the dead, he was proclaiming to the world that the
sacrifice his Son made on the cross was accepted. In other words, if Christ was
really raised from the dead, our sins are really forgiven before God. That’s
what the resurrection means.
Maybe you
don’t feel like you’ve ever faced injustice because of your faith in Christ.
But if you believe in the things that the Holy Spirit wrote through Peter in
our text for today, the world considers you crazy.
We should bear
up under injustice by trusting in God? What? Two thousand years ago a man died
for our sins? Really? The flood was real? Jesus descended into hell to proclaim
his victory to the souls of unbelievers? Baptism saves a person from hell?
Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the dead, and now reigns over all powers and
If you
haven’t faced ridicule for your beliefs yet, you will. But as you speak of
God’s grace and the truths he reveals in Scripture, you will be blessed. You
and those who hear you.
The peace of God, which surpasses
all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
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